National Resilience Resource Center
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NRRC disseminates information and materials to advance resilience and human well-being. Resilience research and NRRC publications are presented elsewhere on this site.

This section focuses primarily on Health Realization* resources including lists of books, articles, audio-visuals, and teaching aids. 

NRRC holds that all who have understanding, a lived experience and a genuine interest in teaching these principles to others can make significant contributions. Posted materials are broadly representative of these authors and facilitators. These historically significant basic resources can promote teaching, learning, academic study and research.
Finding Books, Articles and Support Materials
By posting open resources NRRC aims to increase the health of the helper and expand the network of individuals committed to supporting the natural resilience and innate health of children, youth and adults. 

NRRC clients may access selected additional NRRC publications and audio-visuals for presentation and dissemination. The goal is to support continued systems change in these communities and organizations. 

University of Minnesota, Spirituality and Resilience, CSpH 5201, students may access scholarly materials to ease the burden of gathering essential documents and maximize their learning experience.

Also see Services and Products for complimentary materials.

*(Over time also called Three Principles, Innate Health, and Psychology of Mind).

Books:   Principles-Based Books and Selected Resilience References 
This comprehensive list is organized by area of application: 
Community Empowerment, Corporations, Education, Mental Health, Recovery and Prevention, Relationships and Parenting, Resilience Research, Spirituality and Psychology

Articles:     Directory to Principles-Based Articles and Scholarly Publications  

This comprehensive list includes a variety of published articles organized by category: Clinical Trials, Pilot Studies, Peer Reviewed Journal Articles, Edited Book Chapters, Conference Proceedings and Papers, Theory and Application, Review Articles, Professional Journals and Publications, Other Publications, Selected Dissertations and Master’s Theses. Some are peer reviewed and others are not. Together these compelling articles written primarily by practitioners, not scientists, reveal promising practice that warrants further development and study. 

NRRC Client Resources:
Authorized NRRC clients may login to access documents and presentation materials. 
University of Minnesota Student Resources:    
Students enrolled in Spirituality and Resilience, CSpH 5201, taught by Kathy Marshall Emerson may login to access course related materials. 
Native American Cultural Resilience
Military Mental Health 
Physician Burnout
Recovery and Addiction
Resources in Japanese
Resources in Spanish

Special Interests:
NRRC develops a small number of significant materials for use with special interest populations. These provide support in exploring resilience and principles applications in focused contexts including: 

NRRC Facilitator Resources:
Authorized NRRC facilitators may login to access documents and presentation materials.

NRRC Advanced Leader Mini-Training Facilitator Resources:
Authorized NRRC Advanced Leader Mini-Training facilitators may login to access documents and presentation materials.

Education Resources: Integrating Principles in Education
This section supports educators in exploring institutionalization of the principles in school systems, buildings and classrooms to enhance student and staff well-being and natural resilience.

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